Past Events
Libation Ceremony
The Libation Memorial Ceremony dates back to the age of the Romans. It is the pouring of a wine libation over the grave of a fallen warrior and asking him to drink in spirit with those present and serves as a link between the warrior and those present. Veterans in attendance are invited to participate in the ceremony.
2019 Events
- March 19 – Friends of CT State Parks Day, 10 am-2 pm Volunteers from the Friends went to Hartford to participate in this day-long event.
- March 30 – Groton History Day, 11am-3 pm. Volunteers from the Friends set up a display and greeted visitors to this annual event, held at the Groton Public Library
- April 18 – Kevin Titus, portraying Benedict Arnold made a presentation to members and guests. View photos of this event.
- June 8 – CT Open House Day /Groton Bank Day. Our annual celebration of historic Groton Bank combined with the State’s Open House Day.
- June 16- Guardians Big Band concert. View photos of this event.
- July 18 – Friends of Fort Griswold Annual Meeting
- August 31 – Fife & Drum muster
- September 1 – 238th Remembrance of the Battle of Groton Heights. View photos of this event.
- October 17 – Presentation by Thames Society of Paranormal Investigation
- December 14 – Open House & Bonfire. View photos of this event.
2018 Events
- March 27, 2018 Friends of State Parks Legislative Day on March 27. We participated in this event in the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.
- April 19, 2018 – The Battle of Groton Heights: New London’s Story. New London County Historical Society’s Executive Director, Steve Manuel presented a program on the events of September, 6, 1781.
- June 2, 2018- Fort Griswold Thames River Quest
The Fort Griswold Thames River Quest is one of three linked quests capitalizing on sites in the Thames River Heritage Park. The Fort Griswold Quest takes you on a self-guided walk through multiple stations to learn about the history of the fort and find clues to solve a word puzzle that leads to a treasure box. - June 9, 2018 – Groton Bank Day
Enjoy guided tours of the fort with a narrative of events that took place on September 6, 1781. - July 19, 2018 – Annual Meeting. Included a presentation, “Archaeological Discoveries at Fort Griswold”
- September 2, 2018 – 237th Commemoration of the Battle of Groton Heights
2017 Events
- July 20, 2017 Annual Meeting The Friends of Fort Griswold Annual Meeting was held at the Monument House Museum at Fort Griswold.
- August 5, 2017 Guardians Big Band Jazz Concert An eclectic assortment of swinging jazz as the Guardians Big Band performed a concert at historic Fort Griswold in Groton.
- September 3, 2017 236th Anniversary Commemoration of the Battle of Groton Heights
- October 19th, 2017 – Spies and Traitors of Connecticut during the American Revolution, a presentation by Damien Cregeau.
- December 9, 2017 -Holiday Open House. It snowed!
2016 Events
- December 10, 2016: Holiday Open House and Bonfire. View photos of this event
Our first community open house and bonfire was a huge success. - July 25th, 2016 : PLYMOUTH FIFE AND DRUM CORPS PERFORMED AT FORT GRISWOLD
The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps performed on the grounds of Fort Griswold on Monday, July 25, at 3:45 p.m. as part of the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps’ summer 2016 tour of New England.